Communications from the Board

July 2024 Updates

Summer Heat and Storms: Stay North Until Fall A recommendation from board members who are at Travelers Rest Resort for the summer: Between the heat and the rain storms it’s been a tough summer, if you are up North you need to stay there until the fall. In addition,...

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May 2024 Updates

Summer Greetings to Our Snowbird Residents I hope this finds all snowbird residents enjoying their summer away from Traveler’s Rest Resort. I understand the weather has been really hot there so far this season. I know there are several areas of the country that would...

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Repairing the Roads Letters

The following letters are examples of correspondence to request our county roads be paved. The Board of Directors strongly recommends that all residents send letters and attend the county commissioner’s meetings to request attention to our roads over the next couple...

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April 2024 Updates

A Warm Farewell and Reflections on a Season Well-Spent This communication will find a large percentage of residents back at their northern homes or on route there. I hope that everyone arrives safely and remembers this past season with fond memories. I believe we had...

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March 2024 Updates

Farewell and Welcome: Changes in the Board of Directors It was with great sadness the board accepted the resignation of Director Cathy Locke from the Board of Directors effective today. The board has appointed John Toombs to serve in her place until the election in...

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March 2024 Updates

Get Ahead of the Summer: Plan Your Lot Maintenance Now! As the season is quickly coming to an end, please make arrangements with a neighbor or hire someone to weed eat your lot this summer. The cost of having your lot done by the maintenance department will year will...

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February 2024 Updates

Time Flies: Reflecting on the Season's Swift Passage It’s hard to believe that the end of February is near. Where did the time go this season. We were all so busy that the days just flew by. Hopefully, we got all the rain we needed last weekend and will enjoy sunshine...

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February 6, 2024 Updates

A Full House at the Stockholder's Forum: Catching Up and Looking Ahead The stockholder’s Forum was very well attended on Monday, February 5, 2024. These forums allow the board to bring residents up to date with what is going on, provide financial information and...

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January 2024 Updates

Urgent COVID Alert: Stay Home and Stay Safe! Please be aware that a number of residents have tested positive for COVID. We may have more ill that have not been tested. Please stay home if you are not feeling well and test for COVID. Even though you may have a mild...

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