Communications from the Board

January 2024 Updates

Community Engagement: Celebrating Successful Forum Turnout There was a great turnout for the forum. The Board appreciates input from the residents regarding current issues. However, if you have information that would be valuable to the decision-making process of the...

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December 2023 Updates

The Magic of Christmas Lights at Traveler's Rest It’s hard to believe Christmas is upon us but the festive lights shining bright throughout Traveler’s Rest Resort remind us it is the season. Where did the year go? Where have the first two months of the season went? I...

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December 2023 Updates

Dynamic Dialogue at Monday's Forum We had a excellent turnout for the Forum on Monday. The questions were great questions. The one about having key codes for residents, I will definitely ask Ray about. As Jim stated the audit is not concluded but will be sometime...

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November 2023 Updates

Facility Reservation Reminder The smell of Turkey is in the air as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. I believe there are a large number of people having dinner together in Busch Hall. The Social Life at Travelers Rest is GREAT! But remember if you are going to...

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November 2023 Updates

Recap of Our Successful Season Opener and Upcoming Forum Details It was wonderful to see so many people attend our first Forum of the new season. Thank you for all the positive comments we have received. Our next Forum will be held on December 4, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. in...

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October 2023 Updates

While the color of the trees is beautiful in the north, the weather is too cool. Traveler’s Rest, here we come! Veteran's Program - November 11th The Veterans group will have a Veteran’s program on November 11th at the Veteran’s Memorial in front of Busch Hall, with...

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August 2023 Updates

First the heat, now the rain, this has been a quite a summer in Traveler’s Rest. First and foremost, in keeping healthy is to be sure to keep hydrated. As the number of people staying year-round is low, please keep your neighbors in mind. If you have not seen your...

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July 2023 Updates

Even through the weather is crazy across the country, we hope you are enjoying your summer. The park is really quiet this time of the year, and the weather is hot! Unrecognized People or Vehicles As a reminder, if you see someone or vehicles you don’t recognize,...

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May 2023 Updates

Veteran’s Memorial Day Celebration The Veteran’s Memorial Day celebration will be held on May 29 at 11:00 a.m. weather permitting. In the event of rain, it will be held in the Citrus East building. Hot dogs, chips and water will be served after the ceremony. Please...

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April 2023 Updates

End of the Year Party Success The end of the year party held on Tuesday, March 28 was a true success. It was well attended with most people eating, socializing or just listening to the two bands play. The food vendors reported most of them were out of food long before...

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