December 2022 Updates — Part 1

Dec 8, 2022

Name Badges Reminder

A soft reminder to everyone at Travelers Rest to please wear your name badges. We want to make everyone feel welcome and one of the ways we can do that is to greet them by their name.

Work Order Procedures

We want to remind residents how we request help for things we see that need the attention of Park Management. The first step is to talk with Ray Hill, General Manager. As a result of that conversation, he may ask you to open a work order so the request can be reviewed and prioritized with the larger list of tasks.

Kitten Wrangler Volunteers Needed

We are in need of additional volunteers to help us round up the feral kittens in the park so they can be taken for their health check, vaccinations, and have their ear notched before being ready to find them permanent homes. Please contact Linda Smith at 14-15.

Fundraising Events

While the board and park management appreciate residents willing to hold fundraising events to offset the cost of rebuilding the tennis/pickleball courts those funds will come from monies designated for capital projects. Resident fund-raising events are a great way to add the “nice to have” accessories like the windscreen at the new pickleball courts.

Verdana Chat Monday

The board will hold a Veranda Chat Monday, December 19 at 3 PM in front of Busch Hall. The next Resident Forum is Monday, January 9 at 3 PM in Busch Hall.

Crime Prevention Education Seminar

The board and park management presented a Crime Prevention Education Seminar Monday, December 5, that included two representatives from Pasco County Fire sharing fire safety suggestions for residents. Recommendations included checking smoke detectors for their expiration date or to replace any smoke detector that is 10 years from the date of manufacture or older. A lithium battery is designed to last 10 years. They also recommend putting fresh batteries in smoke detectors when the time changes every 6 months. Putting baking soda or salt on a fire is ineffective, smother the fire so air cannot continue to fuel the fire.

Crossing Sites Policy

Please remember to adhere to policy C3005 – CROSSING SITES: Do not cross another resident’s site on foot or with any vehicle including RV’s, bicycles, golf carts.

TR Strategic Plan Update

At every meeting, the board reviews the progress towards completing the TR Strategic Plan. Presently, all objectives are on time and on track.

Share Stock Prices

Today’s price range for available shares of stock is between $3500 and $6275.

We hope you look forward to the next update from the Board of Directors!

Katherine Shawver
Travelers Rest Board of Directors