COVID-19 Notice

Any residents or guests coming into the park must call the office to register and may be asked to self-isolate for 14 days.

Travelers Rest & COVID-19

The goal of the TR Board for this ’20-’21 winter season is for all of us to remain safe and healthy. To that end, we have worked diligently to plan activities and entertainment and implement protocols that will reduce the potential of transmitting COVID-19 to any resident.* However, it will require the cooperation of each one of us to be successful. If COVID-19 infections emerge in the community, it will cause the Travelers Rest Board to review and potentially cancel all activities and entertainment.

When you arrive at Travelers Rest:

  1. Phone the office to check-in rather than going in person.
  2. Answer the Health Assessment and COVID-19 Exposure Questions, which you can download below. Return the sheet to the Post Office in the Local Mail slot. Depending on your answers, you may be asked to avoid gathering and socializing or participating in activities and entertainment for a period of 14 days.
  3. Follow the General Safety Recommendations and Travelers Rest Safety Protocols listed below.

If you have guests, remember that they may bring a COVID-19 infection to Travelers Rest even if they feel fine and have no symptoms:

  1. Phone the office to notify them that you have guests. Complete the Health Assessment and COVID-19 Exposure Questions for each guest.
  2. Depending on the answers to the questions, you may need to limit your visitors to your residence area while in the resort.
  3. Guests are expected to observe the General Safety Recommendations and TR Safety Protocols while at the resort.

General Safety Recommendations

  • If you are feeling ill or have a fever greater than 100.4 degrees, please stay home. Symptoms of COVID-19 may include fever, cough, difficulty breathing, body aches, a new loss of taste or smell, vomiting or diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, or congestion that is new and not related to allergies.
  • Maintain 6 feet of (social) distance from others; avoid hugs, handshakes, and close quarters.
  • Wear a face mask in public areas when inside and outside if you cannot maintain a 6’ distance.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, or use alcohol hand sanitizer frequently; avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Travelers Rest Safety Protocols


Face masks and social distancing are required in all buildings at TR, including the business office, the post office, and the post office lobby.


Face masks and social distancing between household groups are required for large group gatherings outside, such as Sunday entertainment or church services. While you are seated, you may remove your mask if you choose to do so.


Face masks and social distancing are required when shopping at any vendors (such as the vegetable stand) who set up for business at Travelers Rest.


Alcohol based hand sanitizer has been placed in every building for use by residents.


Spray bottles of sanitizing solution are in all buildings. Use them to disinfect high touch surfaces, let the area dry for one minute and wipe off. Activity chairpersons will be responsible for sanitizing after each activity.


Specific restrictions apply at the pool and golf course; check there for the latest details.


Avoid confrontation and remove yourself from any situation where you do not feel safe.

* This guidance has been developed in coordination with TR Management, as well as infection control input from Travelers Rest Fire/Rescue. It is also subject to modification as COVID conditions change in this area.